Act 1 Entertainment, Inc. hosts Act 1 BlockFest ’13, a community awareness event to promote awareness for local 501 (c) 3 not for profit organizations.
Date: Sunday August 18, 2013
RAIN OR SHINE Time: 11:30 am to 9:00 pm
Vendors may arrive at 10:30 am to set up;
it is recommended that all vendors arrive by 11:00 am the latest to set-up
Location: Michael E. Reilly Memorial Park (Fireman’s Park)
DeWitt & Smith Ave (just east of Shorefront Park)
Patchogue , New York 11772
Admission: $5 donation, children under 10 years old admitted free.
Smokehouse BBQ food, pretzels & cotton candy now being sold at our event!
The Congregational Church in Patchogue will be conducting a Food Drive at this years Act 1 BlockFest a community awareness event. There will be prizes for the most items brought to the event for their Food Pantry For more information call Kathy at the church at 631.475.1235
The Patchogue Medford Robotics Team will be conducting an E-Waste Recyle Drive at this years Act 1 BlockFest a community awareness event. There will be a prizes for the most items brought to the event for recycling. The team will also have one of their robots on the property for demonstration. Some electronic items to bring could include, computers, keyboards, monitors, towers, cell phones, regular phones, car batteries, regular batteries, printers, DVDs, vcrs, TVA, cameras, radios, etc…No light bulbs, or broken glass on monitors or Tvs.
Patchogue Ambulance has volunteered to be on site for any of our emergency first aid needs
16 x 16 Insured Bouncer with an Attendant
Attendees are encouraged to bring their own 10x10 canopies to shield from sun or light rain, although we will have a 20 x 40 event tent with chairs for attendees who do not own a canopy (first come, first serve).
Act 1 Entertainment, Inc. would like to thank our business sponsors:

Act 1 Entertainment, Inc. would like to thank our food sponsors:

Act 1 Entertainment, Inc. would like to thank our vendors:

These are the 501 (c) 3 organizations attending to create awareness for their orgs:

Act 1 Entertainment, Inc would like to thank our Emcee for this event:
Act 1 Entertainment, Inc. would like to thank the following bands for performing at this event:
Musician Line Up
12-1205 Rev Dwight Wolter kicking off by blessing the event
1205-1230-Zenbock (acoustic tent)
1235-105 Martini Garden (acoustic tent)
110-140 Barrelhouse (acoustic tent)
145-225 Shades of Purple (main stage)
230-3 Bobby Sinatra & Acoustic Dave (acoustic tent)
310-350 BigDaddy & The Bulldogs (main stage)
355-425 Larry T (acoustic tent)
430-545 Stanton Anderson (main stage)
6-710 Kerry Kearney Band (main stage)
730-840 Sweet Suzi & Sugafixx (main stage)